

目前显示的是 九月, 2009的博文

Love = Gamble

Government always says " No Gambler No Ah Long ",doesnt it? In my opinion, Most of the people on this Earth is a Gambler ... They gamble their everything to someone they love... In fact, love is the most dangerous "weapon" which could make you fall down permanently into a valley... Listen carefully......is PERMANENTLY...... There are no Losers or Winners in term of " LOVE "... What is LOVE ? Say properly do you really know what actually love is? If you know, give me the definition please... Actually LOVE is one of the most difficult questions for the mankind. Centuries have passed by, relationships have bloomed and so has love . But no one can give the proper definition of love,William Shakespeare said. Maybe love is like luck, you have to go all the way too find it. No matter how you define it or feel it. LOVE is the eternal truth in the history of mankind. LOVE is patient, love is kind. It has no envy, nor it boasts itself and it is never proud.


给所有情侣的信息 “只是简单的一问,既然多次被说我在管她、他”, “我是你男、女朋友罢了,连我家人都没这样管我,你既然这样管我” 这个问题是否发生在你身上呢? case 1: 她、他身体不好,然后你就阻止她、他吃对身体有害的东西。却被她说“身体是我的,我喜欢吃什么就什么” case 2: 她、他跟朋友到外喝茶,你只是简单的一句“不要太夜回噢”。却被她、他觉得你在管他、她跟朋友联络感情,最后便为了跟你斗气而夜夜归。 case 3: 她、他夜睡,第二天早上你问他、她“酱夜睡哦?”。却被他、她说“夜睡不能吗?”(她、他心想:哇,连我几时睡觉都要管,你是谁哦?) 以上的是其中几个罢了,等以后有时间再继续... 所以说呢,明明对方出自一番关心,关爱,却无奈被人说“ 管 ” 幸福不是必然的,当对方说出些不悦耳的话,请了解下为什么她、他要这么说,也许在哪不悦耳的话暗藏了某些含义,想你好罢了。


今天天气晴朗,令我想回小时候。 在一个已被我遗忘的park拍了张照。 小时候真的好,哪里都可以去^^又不用付钱$$$